An organized business is a productive business. Get organized by taming your email workflow, keeping your desktop organized, and getting rid of paper clutter.
Organize Your Business — An organized business is a productive business. Get organized by taming your email workflow, keeping your desktop organized, and getting rid of paper clutter.
Below are 3 tips on how you can organize your business:
1. Purge Your Office
Too much clutter can add to daily stress and chaos. Clutter exists because we think that everything is important. Toss out whatever is outdated, no longer relevant, or a duplicate. Get rid of anything that collects dust (trinkets or office supplies that have no value to you or your business.) Make sure you have plenty of storage to keep things neat and tidy and out of sight to keep them from distracting you.
Things you could purge:
- Recycle the broken electronics you may have stashed in a closet.
- Donate anything you don’t need or use.
- Keep the basics and anything you’ve used in the past year; everything else can go.
Put items that you require every day in the same place so that you won’t have to hunt for them every time you need them.
When your workspace is clean and uncluttered, you won’t waste time searching through stuff or moving piles around. See how you can develop an office space that inspires.
2. Organize Your Paper Files
The average person wastes more than 4 hours per week searching for papers, according to one study. Go through your filing cabinets and shred anything that’s out of date or no longer relevant to your business.
You scan the originals and throw out the paper files to make more room if you think you might need these documents in the future.
3. Ditch Paper Receipts
There’s no reason to hang on to all those tiny paper receipts. Scan them and keep them digitally. Stay on top of this clutter by scanning them as soon as you get them or make time each week to scan them all in and keep them in a digital file.
Get It Together
This will get you started on organizing your business. See more tips for staying organized.